
Mount Ridley P-12 College aims to develop its students as active global citizens who are responsible, independent and committed to life-long learning. It pursues this objective through carefully planned and targeted programs that are designed to meet the needs of all students. From a Student Engagement perspective, we provide a range of programs for our students including but not limited to:
- Resilience and Social Skills programs
- Respectful Relationships Programs
- Values Education Programs
- Student Leadership programs
- Discovery/ Grow Days
- Clubs/ Extra Curricular clubs.
Students who require further assistance may also be targeted for small group or individual programs aimed at improving areas of need for the student.
Student Engagement overview
The Student Wellbeing Team is responsible for supporting students with issues such as:
Family conflict
Anger management
Stress management
Social skills, assisting students with financial difficulties and
Issues around hardship.
The Student Wellbeing Team work with the Early, Junior, Middle and Senior Years Mini-Schools, Principal Class, teachers and other wellbeing professionals and agencies to address student needs.
In addition to these services, the Adolescent Health Nurse works with the student wellbeing team and Secondary students to organise and deliver health education activities at the College.
Student Services
The Student Services team offers a range of services to students at Mount Ridley P – 12 College and operates from our purpose built Wellness Centre called ‘Berkshire’. Our well-structured student wellbeing framework complements student academic success. Members of the Student Services team can provide one on one individual support; facilitate group work based around social skills; and make referrals to appropriate agencies and external professionals when required. These agencies include Headspace, Foundation House (refugee and asylum seeker services) and the Royal Children’s Hospital. The team also works in collaboration with Department of Education (DE) support staff and community agencies to identify, design implement and deliver a range of programs to meet the needs of our students.
Our expert team is overseen by an Assistant Principal.
On Site Team
- Director of Student Services (DOSS) - The DOSS leads the team and wellbeing initiatives and maintains connections to outside agencies. The DOSS works closely with School Leaders to ensure there is support for students who are experiencing difficulties.
- Mental Health Practitioner - Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader P-6: MHWLs are qualified teachers who work across the primary school to implement a whole-school approach to mental health and wellbeing for students, staff, and families based on a broad knowledge of the needs of the school community.
- Youth Worker - Youth workers plan, organise and oversee community programs aimed at young people. Youth workers work directly with children and young people, helping them to build life skills, develop healthy relationships and make decisions that are right for them.
- Speech Pathologist - Speech Pathologists study, diagnose and treat communication disorders, including difficulties with speaking, listening, understanding language, reading, writing, social skills and stuttering.
- Learning Enhancement Coordinator (PSD) - The Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) provides funding to assist schools to support eligible students with disability and high needs who attend government schools.
- DE Nurse - The Secondary school nursing program aims to reduce risk to young people and promote better health in the wider community. The DE nurse is present at the College on Mondays and Thursdays.
- Multicultural Aides - (Arabic and Assyrian)
- Administration Assistant
- Doctors in Secondary Schools Program (for secondary school aged students only on Tuesdays)
- Support Nurse for Doctors in Secondary Schools Program (Tuesdays)
External Support
- Psychologist
- Speech Pathologist
- Adolescent Health Nurse
- Koori Education Support Worker (KESO)
- Visiting Teacher Service: Support for physically, visually and hearing impaired, etc.
Medicare Funded Services
Additional Ad Hoc Support
- Yarrame
- Travancore
- Royal Children’s Hospital
- Austin CYMHS
External Services:
- Planet shakers/No Bull – Breakfast Club
- Hume Youth Services
- Headspace
- Newbury Community Centre
Other services:
- Wellbeing groups - Groups are running daily targeting the wellbeing needs of the students attending MRC. The groups currently running are Mindful moments, Mindful Gardening, GEM, Cool Kids and Social Skills.
- Speech pathology groups - Groups targeting students who may be experiencing communication disorders.
- Secondary consultations - A service delivered to a professional from another agency or service provider about a specific client of that other agency.
- One on one sessions - Individual counselling is counselling focused on the individual’s immediate or near future concerns.
- Debriefing with staff - Where team members can reflect on a recent experience, discuss what went well and identify opportunities for improvement.
- Psychoeducation - the process of providing education and information to those seeking or receiving mental health services.
- Emergency management - Managing high risk incidents relating to mental health.
- Assessments e.g. Cognitive, mental health, educational
- Doctors in Secondary Schools - The GPs provide medical advice and health care to those students most in need.